Prayerfully Refreshing


My Bible Study is reading a book called ”praying the scriptures”. I had to stop and write about something I read that simply struck me. The author was speaking about Like 11:1 when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. What proceeds is the Lord’s Prayer. The author then says, ”I am convinced that the disciples said that because they had all noticed that Jesus returned from his times of prayer refreshed and at peace.” If you saw someone continuously refreshed then you would want to know the secrets too.

It’s the start of a new year with hope and renewal. You see fb posts of people wishing 2013 to be better in some way. They are hopeful their dreams will come true. They want to renew one area of their lives and make their New Years resolution that may or may to stick. They feel refreshed and ready to tackle a new year.

One of my favorite verses comes from Romans ”do not conform yourselves to this age but BE TRANSFORMED by the renewal of your mind…” Another favorite comes from 1 Thessalonians ”rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.” Both of those are saying the same thing. Prayer is a renewing act. We have the hope and renewal and refreshing feeling that we seek one day a year on January 1st each and every day… Several times a day… Whenever we seek out God in prayer or praise or study.

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