Some things that have been happening this week


I’m Jason. Friends with Gabe since elementary. I wanted to post some things about my lie here as I work for Campus Crusade here in Ioannina Greece. Last week we started meeting with people on the university campus. I have to admit that I was very nervous. This is the first time in my life where I would be doing evangelism on a daily basis. This truly is being in the Lord’s service. So my fears and thoughts were that people would reject me and that this would be a very difficult process. My prayer was that the students would at least here what I had to say.

Our doctrine is to turn lost Greek students into Christ centered laborers through a movement on campus so that they can reach their campus, country, and the world. In just the first week I have shared the gospel at least 4 times with students and have talked with them about why we are here in the city. We have had 3 hour conversations with some of these students and it is so encouraging that they at least want to hear what we have to say. It’s not the awkward conversation that I had expected. These people are genuine in their curiosity. God is moving here in Ioannina and I would like to ask for your prayers as my team and I meet with these students daily. I feel as though some of these interactions might be one of a handful of times that these students hear the gospel in their lives. Please pray that the Lord will open their hearts and that they will be responsive to His calling. Please pray that the Lord makes me bold and effective when I share the Living Hope that is Jesus Christ.

Also, I have been able to start a discipleship relationship with a young student here. He has been praying for someone that he can relate to and talk about things that have really messed his life up. He has opened up to me and allowed me to work with him so that he and I can go through these types of things together. But biblically grounded in the word which can free us from the burdens that this world heaps upon us. Please pray that he can find healing in the Lord. His name is Mike.

I hope this can give you some insight as to what it’s like to live life in the missionary field. If you have any questions of me please ask.

Grace and peace be to yours in abundance according to the Word of Jesus Christ.

Eternally His,

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