Start Painting


Presley’s first Halloween she was a pea in a pod- hence where she gets the name “P” and “Pod.” Last year, she was Tinker Bell at one event and a witch at another. It was the first year Scott and I went to Halloween as something together. We have celebrated several Halloweens together and have gone to many parties and functions but last year we decided to be a team costume! We decided on the Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Well unfortunately, this is one of the last memories Presley has of her daddy. As we were preparing for this big holiday, Scott would put on and take off the scary mask to show Presley that it was just daddy underneath that scary face! I would say, “See it’s daddy! He’s not scary!”

This past year, occasionally, I would hear Presley say, “daddy’s not scary!” I was thinking “oh great! She remembers him as the big bad wolf… classic!”

As this year came around and we were hauling out the Halloween decorations to make sure our home is festive for fall, wouldn’t you know what we saw… the scary mask! I showed it to Presley and showed her pictures of daddy last year and she said “daddy’s not scary, he’s silly!” Hoping she truly believes that!

Now here we are again, heading out the door for an event, without one very important part of our world. He wasn’t just sick at home or working or busy with other things in his life. He’s not here. He isn’t here to decorate the house. He isn’t here to help make decisions about what we should be. He isn’t here to pick out the perfect material for Presley’s costume. He isn’t here to ask if it’s too long or too tight. He isn’t here to coach her into putting the costume on. He isn’t here to walk with her to trunk to trunk or house to house. He isn’t here to help eat the candy. He just isn’t here.

Color was sucked from my life and truly felt I could only see in black and white. And this past year, I haven’t seen color like I had the previous 28…

This year we (and by we I mean me) decided to be one of my favorite cartoons as a kid… Rainbow Brite and her sprite, Twinkle. I decided to make these decisions now, until the year comes when she wants to be a “fairy princess” for the next ten consecutive years! HA!

This costume duo has a little deeper meaning for me than just a really great 80’s cartoon! Twinkle’s job is to make sure Rainbow Brite never runs out of shimmering crystals that help her give color to the universe! THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT PRESLEY IS DOING! She is running around being her busy self- making sure I can provide color to the universe (or least to my tiny part of the world)!

Color is seeping back into our world! It started off as just one or two pastel colors and slowly God’s grace has given us more and more, with the most vivid of colors. So I encourage you, to splash color on your canvas! Start painting! Pick up your brushes! It’s time! And whoever is the one making sure you don’t run out of shimmering crystals… well, give them a big squeezy hug! You never know how long they will be your side-kick!

In His grip,





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