A New Beginning


In 10 days, I will marry my best friend. After finally completing my education, I was getting anxious to take the next big step in life. When Erik proposed, I was elated, and finally felt that I belonged somewhere, forever. I am now faced with so many worries…worries that I will disappoing my new husband as his wife, worries that I will never learn how to cook a proper meal…worries about everything really. I am anxious and apprehensive, excited and fearful, prepared yet completely unready.

I pray every night that God will bless our marriage, and that God will grace us with his warmth and love on our special day. But I also pray that God will give me the strength to take on a role that I never really thought of. I was never the girl who dreamt of her wedding, or her marriage. I was the girl who couldn’t stop reading, and was always buried nose deep in a new novel or story. But I am ready for the challenge, because love is the greatest gift of all, right? So from such a great gift can only come happiness and beauty, and I am so ready to take on this amazing challenge. I am so blessed.


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