I remember you…


I’m teasing…

Yeah, well you did this…

No, I’m right…

You couldn’t be more wrong…

Trust me…

These are words of prideful man.

These are my words.

I lived the good part of 29 years trying to argue points to friends, family, and co-workers, for reasons I didn’t quite recognize… until this past year. I have been told on more than one occasion I should have been a lawyer (sorry to offend, but not really).

I like to debate, I like to plead my case, I like to ”prove” a point.

Goodness gracious, I am exhausted just typing this, thinking about the time I have wasted, the words I have thrown out, the anxiety I have brought on myself and others.

So what causes this?

I felt like a baby again after I lost my sweet Lindsay.

I wept like a baby…

I pouted like a baby…

I forgot everything I knew and had to learn to ”walk” again…

I was in a season of change and I didn’t recognize the man I saw in the mirror. I knew I liked him, but they were for reasons unknown.

I still talked a lot, but it was more peaceful, it was more graceful, it was different.

It was all me, but not, so who was it?

What was it?

A year has come and gone, and here I am. Still living, breathing, but when I look in the mirror, I see someone I recognize. A face I have known for the good part of 29 years…

I have someone very close to me that has been an instrument of God Himself to open my eyes to things that I have known so well for way too long.

You can be told something 100 times and you think you get it, but its not until the 101st time that you understand it.

I pray a lot. I have stopped praying for me to be able to do things or to be things. I now pray for God to do it for me.

I have to understand what it is, then my job is to believe. I must believe He can change me. Simple right?

Where did the man of pride go last year?

Where did the man of humility go this year?

It has always been me, but without Him… I can’t be the best me.

”They” say people never change, and ”they” are right.

God changes us.

He can and He will.

You have to understand it is Him, you have to believe, and you have to live in humility.

Humility will set you free. It will give you the life you have never dreamed of, it will give everyone around you the better ”you.”

My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:3… ”Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

With this comes the ultimate task to truly take this to heart… you must live in humility to allow yourself to truly love.

God is the ultimate example of humility… have you ever crossed Him? Does He still bless your life?

Write that on your heart.


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