Big Shoes


Recently I was given the highest compliment that I could ever receive. A friend told me, ”You have a spirit like Mary’s.” Now, I know there a billion ”Mary”s in the world and there are quite a few in the Bible. However, he was referring to THE Mary – Jesus’ mom.

I have been thinking about that a lot lately. It’s a huge compliment, but she also has big shoes to fill (of which no one could ever match). Face it, God created HER to raise His son. As a parent, there are very few women that I would want to raise my children for me. Can you imagine being the ONE chosen by God for that task? Wow.

I have been thinking about that a lot. I don’t know a ton about Mary. I know what most Christians know – she willingly gave birth to Jesus, she was with Jesus at the Wedding of Cana (His first miracle), and she was there when He died on the cross. Of course there are other mentions of her, but those are the three that always stick out in my mind. I wish we had a glimpse of what she was like day to day. If there were ever a role model for a Christian mother, it would be Mary.

Therefore, I have decided that I want to look more closely at Mary and see what the Bible tells us about her and try to emulate her as a Biblical woman. The same day that I decided to really study Mary as an example of how to be a Christian mother, I came across a story about a woman who spent an entire year living as a Biblical woman and doing what the Bible says women should do. She blogged about her experience and then wrote a book about it. The book comes out in 11 days. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe there is something in that book that God wants me to read, needs me to read. This, I believe, will be my deployment journey.

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