What do you want?


Is it because you wanted me to persevere?

Is it because you wanted to build character?

Is it because you wanted to show hope?

Is this all to reveal who you are?

What do you want from me?

Is this not for me at all?

You slammed the door shut and opened a new one to you.

You have broken me.

I am listening, so tell me what you want.

I am humbled.

I am weak, I know.

You are strong.

I am here for you.

I get it now.

Tell me what you want from me.

I am listening.

I am broken, so fix me to be what you want me to be.

Make something beautiful out of something so broken.

Now is your time.

Bring me back to life and show me who you are.

This is not a demand, but a humble plea.

I am broken.


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